We currently are offering a special deal if you sign up with pool service
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It is very expensive and labor intensive to get your tile cleaned. Pumice stones and other alternatives such as chemicals just don't do the job.
We offer the most economical, safest and the least aggressive tile cleaning method in the market today!
What type of blasting to you use?
We use a Dustless water injected method.
This allows us to clean your tile with no risk of damage. This also helps keep your landscape, pool deck and other areas that may be surrounding the pool clean during the process.
Can you help prevent future calcium build up after tile clean?
Yes, we use a hydrophobic (water repelling) sealer. The sealer fills microscopic voids and creates a Teflon like surface that repels calcium (Ca+) and hard water. When the calcium stains return after cleaning, the molecules simply rest on the coated surface and do not bond as firmly as they would to untreated tile/stone. This is included for FREE with every tile clean!
What Material do you blast with?
Non-Glass bead
Eco-friendly MaxxStrip blast media, also known as Kieserite media that is all natural, water-soluble, silica and toxic metal-free, non-hazardous, non-toxic, and non-sparking. MaxxStrip’s pH is neutral, making it pool, landscape-safe as well.
Do I have to drain my pool all the way?
Not all pools need to be drained completely depends on your water condition.
most of the time we drain your pool below the tile line
Blast your tile, once done we will refill and vacuum any leftover media with our own equipment.
How do you remove the media from my pool?
We use our own portable filter and pump to vacuum all of the media, we will never use your equipment to do this!
Do you use my pools equipment?
No, we do not use your equipment to recover any calcium or media deposits at all. Doing this eliminates the risk of damaging your equipment!
Will my pool be cloudy/dirty?
For a short period of time, We allow the pool to run for a few hours once all media is recovered. In addition, every tile clean job gets a complimentary filter clean($75.00) at no cost to you! Clearing the water of your pool even faster and again eliminate any risk of damage done to your equipment!
Call to schedule your tile cleaning today!
We are proudly serving Tulare and Kings counties